Poetry for the Sky.

Poetry for the Sky.
The whole universe (or almost) in a poetry slam
Six young performance artists challenge each other on stage with contemporary poems to celebrate the wonder of the sky, astrophysical research and curiosity.
The show is inspired by the poetry slam format, a ‘challenge’ in which each artist writes and performs original pieces and the audience decides the winner. And on this spring evening, each piece is dedicated to the Sky!
Annachiara Vispi
Gabriele Ratano
Giulia Sara Arcovito
Martina Lauretta
The event is hosted by Giuliano Logos, performance artist and 2021 world champion of poetry slam
Poetry for the sky is the result of a masterclass that saw the young artists draw inspiration from the researchers of INAF – National Institute of Astrophysics. Poetry for the sky was born from an idea by Chiara Di Benedetto and Lorenzo Maragoni and is a format by Studio Bleu for INAF – National Institute of Astrophysics
Admission reserved for exhibition ticket holders valid for the day of the event
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